Smashed Garlic Bok Choy with Crispy Mushroom.
#tuesdaytips with a super simple, super easy stir fried Smashed Garlic Bok Choy with Crispy Mushroom.
Do you ever have one of those days when you just cannot think of what to make for dinner? Or just can’t be bothered to cook at all? I have them… plenty of them and I find on those days, a couple of super quick recipes which can be put together with whatever you have in the fridge just works best.
In comes this 5 minute most quickest and most versatile veggie packed recipe for any day of the week. Firstly, choose whatever veg you have lying around (ti's a great way to use up anything in the fridge instead of throwing it out), and however many you want to include and follow the recipe. Steam some plain rice on the side or make an egg fried version if you’re in the mood and you’ve got a super chilled dinner ready so fast.